The core mandate is to create a platform relating to the public so as to achieve a favourable impression of our Church.
In doing this, the Ministry employs the most accessible promotional tools available in the church. This will create a positive perception of the Church in the Community, provides a critical foundation for all other Communication, Outreach and Evangelistic efforts.
So, it behooves on the key players to strategically create, execute and manage a marketing Campaign to highlight the mission of the Church, as well as incorporate the operational Components that speak to those we serve and how.
The Ministry prepares and approves all marketing materials for communicating the Church’s programmes. This Ministry is also poised to create a window to serve as resource for the Pastors, support staff and all the local Branches of the Church.
The cardinal objective of the Church is to preach the word of God and win souls. The Public Relations Ministry comes as a veritable tool to create a data base of members and contacts that the Church will need to build on Outreach File to be sure that the packets of materials sent out reached the target audience.